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Üdvözlünk benneteket! Pozdravljeni!
Kot vidite iz pozdrava, smo dvojezična srednja šola. V tem projektu bomo sodelovali gimnazijci 3. a- in 3. b-razreda
Dvojezične srednje šole Lendava.
Oglejte si našo glogster predstavitev (šolo, sodelujoče dijake, mentorice, delovne trojice dijakov) in nas spoznajte.
Pridružite se nam/Join us - Facebook: Wiki-SUK Lendava - za goste. Čakamo vas, da kakšno poklepetamo in se povšečkamo. :)
Üdvözlünk benneteket! Pozdravljeni!
The greeting above says it all: we are the students of a bilingual secondary school. In this project the students of 3.a and 3.b classes of grammar school are taking part. Have a look at our glogster presentation and feel our vibe!
Our mentors are:
• Mária Gaál, the geography teacher, who in addition to enjoying travels to close and foreign places dedicates more and more time to her pets and gardening;
• Ildikó Kovač, the biology teacher, who spends her free time, if there is some left due to her work, in the nature or bakes delicious treats;
• Gabriela Zver, M.A., the Slovene teacher and the head of this project, who enjoys experiencing different types of art and their value, loves to travel and is an active singer.
At Dvojezična srednja šola Lendava (The Bilingual Secondary School Lendava) we take classes in the Slovene and Hungarian language. Beside these two languages we also learn German, English and Spanish.
Our school offers the following educational programmes: grammar school (general upper secondary school), secondary technical education: economic technician and mechanical technician and various three-year vocational programmes.
A special feature of our school is that it organises professional excursions as part of our bilingual education, so this year we got to know Budapest and its area.
Special features of our town Lendava (Lendva – in Hungarian):
• Did you know that during the Reformation period the first significant printing house, not only in Slovenia but in the former Yugoslavia, was set up in Lendava?
• In our area people of different nationalities and religions (Catholic, Evangelical, Jewish) have always strived to live in harmony, thus we have a Catholic and an Evangelical church, as well as a synagogue. The Jews left an indelible mark in the rich middle-class culture and the economy.
• Did you know that the most distant place from our capital Ljubljana is Lendava? Or that Lendava has the lowest annual precipitation in Slovenia?
• Did you know that we can find the so called floating fern (lat. Salvinia natans) only in the oxbow lakes of The River Mura ?
• Did you know that our area has many hidden treasures like geothermal water, which is great for our spas, orchids and for heating our school?
• But you probably know that Lendava is located on the borders of Slovenia – Croatia – Hungary, and the Austrian border is also very close.
Take a look at the Photo Gallery on the website of Turizem Lendava (Lendava Tourism) and the Photo Gallery on the municipal websites (click on the small icons in the line above), where you can also find short presentations of our cultural heritage and historical buildings and the history of our town.
Translated for you by G. Vrhunc, H. Jusić, J. Cojhter, A. Ropoša, A. Nađ, A. Ambruš and our English teacher Nataša Prendl.
Comments (5)
Gabriela Zver said
at 11:24 am on Sep 28, 2013
Hvala, enako, Dusan. :)
Bobski? Ha, ha, Bob. Have fun in Finland! Thank you for your greetings! :)
Dusan Klemencic said
at 4:24 pm on Sep 27, 2013
Lepa predstavitev - nas kar vleče na vaš konec ...
Bob Hofman said
at 10:02 pm on Sep 26, 2013
Haha, čeprav Bob je na Finskem, uživa vsak objavljate v novi september 2013 Suk .... pomembno izobraževanje, ki ga motivirane učitelje in študente ni mogoče ustaviti .. hvala za vse vaše sedanje energije, terveisin od Suomi, Bobski
Gabriela Zver said
at 9:56 pm on Sep 26, 2013
Hvala, Darja, si prijazna kot vedno. :) Da, tudi na Boba smo mislili.
Darja Kramar said
at 8:02 pm on Sep 26, 2013
Hej, hvala FB pobudo, krasno predstavitev in res prijazno od vas, da je še vse v angleščini, Bob bo vesel. :-)
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